[. . . ] iQue 3600a ® integrated handheld operating instructions Introduction © Copyright 2004 PalmSource and Garmin Ltd. Palm OS, the Palm logo, PalmSource, Graffiti, HotSync, Palm, Palm Powered, the Palm Powered logo, the PalmSource logo and the HotSync logo are trademarks of PalmSource, Inc. Garmin® and iQue® are registered trademarks and QueTM is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries and may not be used without the express permission of Garmin. [. . . ] After locating the desired date, follow the steps for scheduling an event for the current day. NOTE: You can also use the Details button to change the date of an event. Scheduling Untimed Events You can schedule untimed events for any date. Untimed events appear at the top of the list of times and are marked with a diamond. Select the event date you want as described in the previous procedure, "To schedule a timed event for another date. " 2. In the Set Time dialog box, tap No Time. NOTE: You can tap OK instead but make sure nothing is entered for start or end time. TIP: You can create a new untimed event by making sure no event is selected and then writing letters in the text input area. When you start writing, the untimed event appears at the top of the screen. 4. Tap a blank area on the screen to deselect the untimed event. NOTE: If you create a timed event and later want to make it an untimed event, tap directly on the event time on the Date Book screen; then tap No Time and tap OK. New untimed event Chapter 4 Using Basic Applications 4. 4 Basic Applications Overview: Scheduling Events Scheduling Repeating or Continuous Events The Repeat function lets you schedule events that recur at regular intervals or extend over a period of consecutive days. Repeating events include a birthday or a weekly guitar lesson that falls on the same day of the week and the same time of day. Tap the event (Be sure to tap the event and not the time next to the event). Tap the Repeat box to open the Change Repeat dialog box. Tap the Repeat box 4. Enter a number that corresponds to how often you want the event to repeat on the Every line. For example, if you select Month and enter the number 2, the event repeats every other month. To set an end date for the repeating or continuous event, tap the End On pick list and tap Choose Date. An icon that represents a repeating event appears to the far right on the event line. Chapter 4 Using Basic Applications 4. 5 Basic Applications Overview: Scheduling Events Changing Repeating or Continuous Events When you make changes to a repeating or continuous event, you have the option of applying the change just to the current event, to the current event and all future occurrences of this event, or to all occurrences of this event--past, present, and future. The Repeating Event screen opens asking for confirmation of the delete. TIP: You can also select Delete Event from the Record menu. Select one of the following options: · Current deletes a single occurrence of this event · Future deletes the current event and all future occurrences of this event · All deletes all past, current, and future occurrences of this event. The event is removed from your Date Book and you are returned to the day view where you started. These steps apply to all changes you make to repeating or continuous events. Chapter 4 Using Basic Applications 4. 6 Basic Applications Overview: Scheduling Events Tips for Scheduling Repeating or Continuous Events Keep the following in mind when scheduling repeating or continuous events: · If you change the start date of a repeating event, your handheld calculates the number of days you moved the event. Your handheld then automatically changes the end date to maintain the duration of the repeating event. · If you change the repeat interval (e. g. , daily to weekly) of a repeating event, past occurrences (prior to the day on which you change the setting) are not changed, and your handheld creates a new repeating event. · If you change the date of an occurrence of a repeating event (e. g. , from January 14 to January 15) and apply the change to all occurrences, the new date becomes the start date of the repeating event. Your handheld adjusts the end date to maintain the duration of the event. · If you change other repeat settings (for example, time, alarm, private) of a repeating event and apply the change to all occurrences, your handheld creates a new event. [. . . ] If char is any other value, then the character sequence is not subject to any special processing. Thus, the string "Joe^M" transmits Joe, followed by a carriage return. · You can include carriage return and line feed commands as part of the login script, when entered in the following format: <cr> Sends or receives a carriage return <lf> Sends or receives a line feed For example, the string "waitfor Joe<cr><lf>" waits to receive Joe, followed by a carriage return and line feed from the remote computer, before executing the next command in the script. · You can use the backslash ( \ ) character to specify that the next character be transmitted as a literal character, and not be subject to any special processing ordinarily associated with that character. [. . . ]